
July 3rd Big Butte
Fireworks Display

Presented each year by Town Pump

Butte’s iconic 4th of July celebration can be traced back to 1876 with a 134-gun salute and parade. Butte families have grown accustomed to the fireworks show taking place July 3rd, with the annual 4th of July parade the following morning.

Today, Town Pump is happy to participate in an annual celebration that brings so many families together to celebrate community, togetherness & America.

We will be livestreaming the fireworks show on our Facebook Page again this year. If you can't be in Butte, America on the 3rd of July, the livestream of the fireworks show is the next best thing.

Watch the 2024 Fireworks Show on Facebook Live!

Expand Your Senses 🎵

New this year from Big Sky Fireworks there will be music synced to the fireworks show! There is an app called Pyrocast to download so you can bring your fireworks-watching experience to the next level.

Download the PyroCast App, then enter in the show code 1LFT for the Butte fireworks show.

See Photos & Videos

from past years!

Check It Out
Fireworks exploding in the night sky over  Butte, MT
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